Erect poles, align and attach them to the base
Place and stabilize poles at the specified location & height
Install new concrete base & holding down bolts. Repair leaning ones
Utility & telephone pole installation to distribute power & communication cabling
Set out, align & excavate holes for utility poles or bases according to blueprints & drawings
We strictly follow regulations concerning underground excavation and underground utility identification
Steel sections
Aluminum poles
directional drilling
Parking lot lighting
Walkway light poles
Telecom transmission
Traffic camera service
components for security
install parking lot lighting
Private power distribution
Sign Installation in Toronto
Telecommunication Antenna
Exterior working area lighting
Roadside and street light poles
Hole excavation & auger drilling
Underground & overhead wiring
Underground wiring to hydro pole
Install temporary supply & service
Auger holes & concrete foundations
NO calls after 7pm please
To upgrade overhead suspended in the air wires coming from overhead utility or street line to service point of the house you need to call local utility company. Their phone number is printed on your hydro bill. After getting a layout, report, or another document from Hydro, please scan and email it to us if an estimate is desired